We are proud to say we have been offering digital x-rays in our office since 2001. Dr Powell Sr was one of the first dentists in the area to embrace digital x-rays, which are now a standard of care in the dental industry. Digital x-rays have many advantages over regular (plain film) x-rays including: Immediate viewing of the imaged area with significantly less radiation exposure for the patient. Better visualization of the area due to your doctor being able to digitally enhance the image on the computer screen.

Did you know…

that dental x-rays deliver very low levels of radiation and are considered completely safe? In fact, x-rays are even considered safe during pregnancy and while breastfeeding so long as a leaded apron and collar are used to protect your body from exposure. If you are pregnant or think you may be, tell your dentist so proper precautions can be taken.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I get dental x-rays?

Yes. Dental x-rays are capable of identifying tooth decay and damage beneath the surface of the teeth where caries are less visible during an examination. Furthermore, x-rays provide a reference point for the progression of decay in your mouth over time. You should have x-rays taken on a regular basis, but especially if you are experiencing oral health complications or are planning to undergo a dental procedure, such as a root canal.

What should I expect when I get dental x-rays?

Getting traditional dental x-rays can take several minutes. A thick paper tab is placed into the mouth, which you will be asked to bite down on. Most patients find that dental x-rays are completely painless and do not inflict any level of discomfort. In some cases, dentists intraoral x-rays, as well as extra-oral x-rays that snap images of the face, jaw and skull. Extra-oral x-rays are typically used to identify impacted teeth, such as wisdom teeth.

What happens after my dentist has taken x-rays?

Your x-rays will be saved either on film or digitally. In the future, your dentist may request additional dental x-rays every few years to monitor the health of your teeth, gums and jaw over time. If you are considered to be high risk for oral disease or are exhibiting symptoms of complications, your dentist may prefer to take x-rays more frequently.

Medical technology has been advancing at a breakneck pace for the past several decades, and dentistry hasn’t been left behind. Dental professionals are constantly looking for the newest forms of treatments and technology that will aid in providing their patients with the best possible care, and we’re going to introduce you to some of the newest advancements that have been made.


This technology employs a special form of light that our dentists use to detect dental abnormalities. VELscope is particularly effective in the detection of disease and cancer in its earliest stages as part of an oral screening.

Digital X-Rays

A common concern of patients is the amount of radiation they’re exposed to during a dental exam. The newest forms of imaging technology employ digital x-rays, which not only employs 90% less radiation than traditional x-rays but provides viewable films to the dental staff immediately. These images are able to be zoomed in on for highly accurate assessments of dental health.


For decades braces have been the go-to method of straightening misaligned teeth. While effective, braces are uncomfortable and unsightly. Invisalign is an innovation in this area of dental care that provides the benefits of braces while remaining nearly invisible. Additionally, Invisalign can be removed when eating, removing dietary restrictions associated with braces.

Laser Dentistry

Past techniques for whitening, reducing tooth sensitivity, tumor removal, and filling cavities have often been uncomfortable for the patient, and time-consuming. New innovations in laser technology have created painless alternatives that also aid in eliminating harmful bacteria.

Dental Implants

Traditional dentures are often ill-fitting, uncomfortable, and prone to embarrassing mishaps like slippage. Modern dental implants provide prosthetic teeth that are nearly indistinguishable from normal teeth and are long-lasting.


This innovation uses ozone (O3) to rapidly kill bacteria and fungus painlessly. It also makes a great tool for detecting tooth decay and suppressing it before it becomes more advanced.


This cutting-edge technology is capable of detecting cavities in places that traditional x-ray techniques can’t locate. By employing DIAGNOdent your dentist ensures that no early signs of cavities go unnoticed, saving you time and money on future dental treatments.

Intraoral Camera

This tool employs a special camera that provides well-defined and precise images of places difficult to see in a patient’s mouth with traditional imaging. Just one more tool to aid your dentist in a thorough and accurate assessment of your dental condition.

These are just some of the technologies that have been brought into common use in recent years in our dental offices. Every year we keep an eye out for new methods of treating our patient’s dental concerns by improving visibility, reducing discomfort, and aiding us in providing complete and thorough assessments. If you have any questions about the technology your dentist is using in your exams, don’t hesitate to ask! Curious patients are educated patients, and we love to encourage our patients to be knowledgeable about their dental care.

Dental bonding is a non-invasive procedure that adheres a composite (tooth colored) resin to the surface of your teeth. It helps to create a brighter, more aesthetically pleasing smile without the use of prosthetics like dentures and tooth implants.

This procedure is most commonly used to treat teeth that are cracked, decayed, or discolored. It can also be used to make teeth appear longer and close spacing between teeth.

Did you know?

Dental bonding is one of the most affordable and quick cosmetic procedures that can be done to improve the appearance of your smile. In fact, within one visit you could get a more attractive smile and a boost in self-confidence!

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for dental bonding?

Dental bonding is a great option for individuals who want an attractive smile, but do not want to undergo an invasive procedure like dental implants. If you have minor chips, cracks, and fractures in your teeth, discolored teeth, or decay that can be built upon, dental bonding might be a great option for you.

Ultimately, it’s important to consult with the dentist to determine if you’re a candidate.

How do I care for dental bonding?

Teeth that have undergone dental bonding can still be stained from things like coffee and tea. To avoid this, it’s advisable to avoid drinking any of these beverages for at least 48 hours after undergoing the procedure. Additionally, you can extend the life of your bonding by brushing regularly and visiting the dentists every six months.

How long does dental bonding last?

When properly cared for, dental bonding can last up to ten years. You’ll get the most out of it by following a healthy oral hygiene routine, avoiding hard candies and chewing on ice, and staying away from food and drink that could stain your teeth. If you happen to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, be sure to brush immediately afterward.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots embedded into the jaw, taking the place of one or more missing teeth. They are used to permanently anchor a prosthetic tooth, such as a crown, bridge or denture. Though they are not for everyone, most people who get dental implants experience a successful outcome that often lasts several decades.

Dental implants are always personalized to the functional and cosmetic needs of a patient. They are sized, shaped and color-matched for aesthetics. Implants are often chosen by patients seeking the most natural looking and feeling of tooth replacement options, primarily because dental implants are fixed and designed to match the surrounding teeth.

Did you know…

Dental implants are typically made of titanium? This metal is known for its light weight, strength, and biocompatibility. Furthermore, titanium easily fuses to the surrounding jaw bone in a process known as osseointegration. This allows the implant to become stronger with time and eliminates the need for adhesives.

Dental implants are an option for qualifying patients who are either partially or totally edentulous, whether due to gum disease, tooth decay, trauma or some other cause. For more information about dental implants in [city], contact our office to schedule a consultation.

Tooth extractions are routine dental procedures used to remove decayed, damaged or otherwise problematic teeth. Dentists usually make every effort to preserve natural teeth, although sometimes an extraction is necessary. Although the procedure is performed in a dentist’s or oral surgeon’s office, it is considered surgery. Depending on which teeth are removed, they may be replaced with a dental implant or another oral prosthetic.

There are several reasons why you could need a tooth extraction.

The most common cause of tooth extractions is severe tooth decay and cavities. However, many patients also undergo extractions for impacted teeth – particularly wisdom teeth. Other causes for extraction include advanced periodontal disease, cracked teeth, and teeth that are severely malformed. Although many circumstances that require extraction are unavoidable, some could be prevented with regular visits to the dentist for exams and cleanings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a tooth extraction?

Only your dentist can tell you if you need a tooth extraction. However, you may be a candidate for the procedure if one or more of your teeth are decayed so severely that a filling or others restoration is not a possibility for treatment.

What should I expect during my tooth extraction appointment?

If you and your dentist decide to extract one or more teeth, you will be scheduled to return for oral surgery at a later date. You will be given a local anesthetic to prevent pain during the procedure, and you may be prescribed medications to help manage pain in the hours following your extraction. Depending on the nature of your extraction and other factors, such as whether your teeth are impacted, you may also be sedated or given general anesthesia during your procedure.

What type of post-treatment care will I need to follow?

Post-operative care following a tooth extraction is essential for healing and preventing complications. You will be instructed to avoid certain foods and also keep the surgical site clean at all times. If you are prescribed an antibiotic, it is important that you complete the course of treatment to prevent infection. Finally, you may be advised to avoid smoking or drinking through a straw, as doing so may delay the healing process and cause a condition known as ‘dry socket.’

Root canal treatment is an endodontic procedure used to clear infected pulp away from the pulp chambers and canals of a diseased tooth. Infections occur when bacteria are allowed to enter the pulp – often due to untreated decay or a crack in the tooth. During a root canal, the tooth is opened and the pulp removed. Biocompatible cement is used to fill the tooth before it is restored with a crown or other restoration.

Did you know…

that while most infected teeth are easily identified by the symptoms they cause, some produce no discomfort at all? It is important to visit your dentist regularly for routine exams that may reveal diseased teeth that would otherwise go unnoticed. Failure to treat an infected tooth could result in the death of the tooth and total loss. Worse, the infection can spread to other areas of the body, causing potentially life-threatening conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need root canal treatment?

You may need a root canal if tooth decay or a broken tooth has allowed the pulp to become infected and inflamed. Signs and symptoms to watch out for include temperature sensitivity, swelling, drainage, odor, pain, and discoloration of the tooth. It is important to treat infections quickly, as delaying treatment can result in severe tooth pain and abscess.

What should I expect to happen during my root canal?

Your endodontist will numb your tooth with a local anesthetic and administer analgesia if needed. Once the tooth is numb, an opening will be made in the top of your tooth to access the canals. Your endodontist will use tiny instruments to remove pulp from your tooth and prepare it to be filled. You will return at a later date to have your root canal capped with a crown or other type of restoration that will give it the appearance and function of a natural tooth.

Will I need to follow any post-operative instructions following my root canal treatment?

You will be allowed to drive yourself home from your root canal visit and may even wish to return to work the same day. However, it is normal for your tooth to be sensitive in the days following your procedure. You’ll need to avoid biting anything with your filled tooth, as this can cause it to break or fracture. So long as the tooth heals normally and you experience no complications, you can return to your endodontist within a month to have a crown or other restoration placed on the tooth.

Like a bridge, partial dentures rest on surrounding teeth to fill in the gaps where one or more teeth are missing. But unlike a bridge, partial dentures are fully removable by the wearer. Partials are affordable alternatives to other types of dental prosthetics and are custom-made to blend in with each patient’s natural teeth. It takes a little time to adapt to new partials, but many people find that they reclaim much of their original function and aesthetics with partial dentures in place.

Did you know?

Partial dentures require gentle care and frequent cleaning. Once you get your new partial dentures, you’ll need to:

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for partial dentures?

You may be a candidate for partial dentures if you have one or more missing teeth, and the space they once filled is surrounded by other teeth or permanent restorations. To find out more about whether partial dentures are right for you, schedule a consultation with your dentist.

What should I expect when being fit for partial dentures?

If you decide to get a partial denture, you’ll need to visit your dentist to have metal clasps attached to your surrounding teeth and an impression made of the area your partial will fill. The impression will be sent to a dental lab, where a technician will fabricate a custom denture that includes a gum-colored base that will fit securely over your gums. A metal framework will be used to attach your new partial to the clasps on your natural teeth to ensure a secure fit.

Will I need to follow any special oral health instructions after receiving my partials?

Yes. Good oral health is still important – even if you have a few missing teeth. In addition to caring for your new dental prosthetic, you’ll also need to brush your gums and tongue twice daily to stimulate circulation and remove bacteria that could cause gum disease. Continue seeing your dentist twice yearly for exams and cleanings, and be sure to bring your partial dentures along to each visit. After a few years, you may find that your partial needs to be rebased to better fit the changes to the bone structure in your mouth.

Dentures are an effective and affordable way of replacing missing teeth. Composed of a durable plastic resin and sometimes porcelain, both partial and full dentures can be fabricated to look and feel natural. Today’s dentures are custom-fit to make it possible to eat foods with confidence and speak articulately. Depending on the patient’s preferences and budget, dentures can be crafted for maximum comfort and fracture resistance backed up by limited warranties.

Did you know…

that more than 60 percent of American adults are missing one or more teeth? Approximately 10 percent are missing all of their teeth – requiring a prosthetic solution that will restore function and aesthetics to their smiles. Many of those dental patients choose partial or full dentures to replace missing teeth. In fact, it is estimated that 35 million Americans currently wear partial or full dentures – a number that is only expected to rise as baby boomers begin to reach retirement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for dentures?

You may be a candidate for dentures if you are missing one or more teeth and are in need of an affordable prosthetic solution. Most denture wearers find that partial and full dentures can restore much of their original tooth function – not to mention create a beautiful, natural-looking smile. To find out if dentures are right for you, schedule a consultation with your dentist.

What should I expect when being fit for dentures?

If you have any decayed or damaged teeth that need to be removed, they will be extracted before your dentist takes a mold of your remaining gum structure, as well as the roof of your mouth. This mold will be sent to a dental lab for denture fabrication. When the completed dentures are completed, you will return to your dentist for a final fitting.

Will I need to follow any special instructions to care for my new dentures?

Yes. Dentures are removable prosthetics that will need to be cleaned and brushed daily. You should also brush your gums daily to prevent infections caused by bacteria. Your dentures should be kept in water when they aren’t in use to prevent them from warping. Keep in mind that it may take some time to adjust to dentures as you learn how to use the muscles in your cheeks and tongue to keep them in place. But over time, you should begin to feel more comfortable with your new prosthetics.

Veneers help give your patients the smile they’ve always dreamed of having. Our dental lab provides custom-made veneers that can transform the shape and color of your patient’s teeth, exuding the look of vitality and confidence. Just two appointments can change the way your patients experience life – all thanks to a thin, translucent exterior shell place atop the surface of the teeth.

Dental veneers have long been used for cosmetic purposes among people who are displeased with the natural appearance of their smiles. Our veneers can provide greater symmetry to the face, reshape a chipped tooth, and help your patients achieve a brighter, whiter smile than is possible with traditional tooth whitening.

Order Your Patients Veneers and Let Us Go Do the Heavy Lifting

Put our team to work for you, and let us fabricate custom veneers to help give your patients the smile they deserve. We offer solutions to fit your needs and the needs of your patients. Both porcelain and ceramic veneers are bonded to the teeth and require minimal prep work. Their translucent appearance provides life-like esthetics, while the durable composition allows them to stand up to the demands of everyday wear and tear.

Once you meet with your patient to discuss the goals for cosmetic treatment, you will reduce the patient’s teeth to prepare them for bonding. Then, take an impression and send it to our lab so that our technicians can begin working on your patient’s new smile. We will work quickly and diligently to prepare your patient’s veneers according to your specifications and return them to your office for placement.

Our veneers are unlikely to stain and are resistant to fracture. When well cared for, they tend to last for many years, and even decades before needing to be replaced.

Composite fillings – also known as tooth-colored fillings – are dental restorations designed to be inconspicuous and natural in appearance. They blend well with the teeth and appear more natural than amalgam fillings, which are darker and more easily seen by other people. Composite fillings are made of ceramic and plastic compounds that chemically bond to the teeth. They can be used to fill in decayed areas of the teeth, as well as to help repair chipped or broken teeth. Most dentists use composite restorations to treat the teeth closest to the front of the mouth, as they are more noticeable when patients smile. However, advancements in dental technology and the composition of composite fillings have made it possible for dentists to also use tooth-colored fillings on molars, which receive more wear than other teeth.

Did you know…

that composite fillings allow dentists to preserve more of the natural tooth structure? This is because composite materials chemically bond to the surface of the tooth like an adhesive. The process takes slightly longer to complete than traditional amalgam fillings, but patients can preserve more of the natural portion of the teeth while enjoying a restoration that is discreet and understated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a candidate for tooth-colored fillings?

If you have a cavity, broken tooth, or a deteriorated filling, you may be a candidate for a tooth-colored filling. Schedule a dental consultation to find out if composites are right for you.

What should I expect if my dentist decides a composite filling is right for me?

During your visit, your gums and teeth will be anesthetized with a local anesthetic near the site of the filling. Once the area is numb, the decayed or damaged portion of your teeth will be removed to make room for the new tooth-colored filling. A resin will be placed over the area and cured with a hand-held light for less than a minute. The new filling will then be shaped and polished before the procedure is complete.

 What type of post-treatment care is required after getting a composite filling?

Composite fillings are cured with light at your dentist’s office. You should be able to return to normal activity and oral care immediately after your visit. It’s normal for treated teeth to experience some sensitivity to hot and cold in the days following treatment, but sensitivity that persists beyond a week should be reported to your dentist.